CATCHING LIGHTNING is a riveting four-part documentary series that chronicles infamous mixed martial arts fighter "Lightning" Lee Murray and his role in one of the largest cash heists in history. Catching Lightning tells the surreal tale of Great Britain’s Securitas Depot robbery in 2006, in which nearly £53 million in cash (more than $92 million USD at the time) was stolen, with new interviews, striking revelations and never-before-heard aspects of the heist. The series tells Murray’s story in his own words and features interviews with his wife, daughter, and closest friends, as well as mixed martial arts legends Anderson Silva, Chuck Liddell, Pat Miletich, Tony Fryklund and more, some of whom have never spoken publicly about the crime. The series vividly dissects the daring heist and investigation that dominated British headlines for months using previously unreleased evidence, dramatic recreations filmed at the scenes of the crime and exclusive testimonies from a rogues’ gallery of conspirators, police investigators and attorneys to tell this tale like never before.
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