CBS • Drama, Procedural • 60 minutes
Released: 2012-2019
Elementary is a modern-day drama about a crime-solving duo that cracks the NYPD’s most impossible cases. Following his fall from grace in London and a stint in rehab, eccentric Sherlock Holmes escapes to Manhattan where his wealthy father forces ...
Jonny Lee Miller
as Sherlock Holmes
Lucy Liu
as Joan Watson
Aidan Quinn
as Captain Tommy Gregson
Jon Michael Hill
as Detective Marcus Bell
John Noble
as Morland Holmes
Nelsan Ellis
as Shinwell Johnson
Desmond Harrington
as Michael Rowan
James Frain
as Odin Reichenbach
Executive Producers
Rob Doherty, Carl Beverly, Sarah Timberman, Craig Sweeney, John Polson, Jason Tracey, Robert Hewitt Wolfe, Bob Goodman